Changes in the trading schedule on New Year\’s holidays

we draw your attention to the fact that in connection with the celebration of Catholic Christmas and New Year, the bidding schedule will be changed. All tools listed below will be traded as usual on 129.12.2022 and 01.01.2023. Trade for all tools listed below will be closed on December 24, 2022, 12/25/2022, 12/31/2022 and 01.01.2023.

Instruments 23.12.2022 12/26/2022 12/27/2022 12/28/2022 30.12.2022 02.01.2023 03/03/2023 Forex Early closure at 21:00 Later Opening at 23:00 trade as usual in the usual mode of early closure of early closure At 21:00 later, opening at 07:00 trade as usual Ur_ind, JPY_ind, USD_ind, GBP_ind, Aud_ind, Nzd_ind Early Closing at 21:00 Later Opening at 23:00 Trade Trade in the usual mode of early closure at 21: 00 Late opening at 07:00 Trade as usual USDRUB, EURRRUB trade as usual as usual trade is closed as usual trade as usual as usual trading in normal trading mode, trade is closed as usual Metal Metals Early closure at 21:00 trade Trade in normal trade as usual as a normal closing mode at 21:00 trade is closed in the usual trade mode, trade was closed as usual US shares (fixed contracts) Early closure at 21:00 trade closed trade as usual as usual in the usual closing mode at 21:00 trade Closed trade in normal CFD mode for cryptocurrencies Early closure at 21:00 later opening at 23:00 trade as usual as usual trading as usual in the usual closing mode at 21:00 later opening At 07:00, trade in the usual CFD mode for US shares early closure at 21:00 trade is closed trade as usual as usual in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00 trade closed trade as usual BRN, WTI, NG Early closure of 21: 00 trade closed trade as usual as usual in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00 trade is closed trade as NIKK225, SPX500, SPX500_M, NQ100, NQ100_M, Wallst30, WST30_m Early closure at 21:00 trade closed trade in normal mode trade In normal mode, early closure at 21:00 trade was closed trade as an ASX200 Marly closing at 07:30 trade closed trade closed trade in the usual closing mode at 07:30 trade closed trade in the usual FTSE100 mode Early closure at 14:50 trade The trade was closed. Later opening at 03:00 Early closure at 14:50 Trading was closed later the opening at 03:00 HSI50 Early closure at 21:00 trade closed trade closed later opening At 03:15 Early closure at 21:00, the trade was closed later than the opening at 03:15 ChNA50_M Early closure at 21:00 trade was closed to the later opening at 03:00 trade as usual in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00, the trade was closed later at 03: 00 nifty50_m Early closure at 21:00 The trade was closed to the later opening at 03:00 trade in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00 trade was closed late opening at 03:00 Stoxx50 Early closure at 21:00 trade was closed late opening at 03:00 trade at 03:00 trade In the usual Early closure mode at 21:00 later opening at 07:00 /early closure at 23:00 later opening at 03:00 GER40, ger40_m Early closure at 21:00 trade was closed later than the opening at 03:00 trade in the usual mode of early closure in 21:00 Later opening at 07:00 /Early closure at 23:00 later opening at 03:00 IBEX35 Early closure at 21:00 trade was closed in normal trade in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00 trade closed in the usual CAC40 Early closure at 21:00 trade Later opening at 09:00 trade as usual as early closing at 21:00 later opening at 09:00 /early closure at 23:00 later opening at 09:00 Socialid, Greenid, Mobileid, Spwarid, Veganid early closing at 21: 00 trade is closed by trade as usual as usual in the usual mode of early closure at 21:00 trade is closed trade in normal mode

, the presented trading schedule is exclusively introducing and can be changed. Our support specialists will be happy Answer all your questions in online chat, as well as by e-mail or by phone: 800-200-01-31; +44 2031 293799.

Sincerely, Alpari

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