Majority of Britons oppose Brexit – Forex
British internet company YouGov analyzed the results of three hundred opinion polls conducted in the years following the 2016 Brexit referendum in the UK. According to the Evening Standard, the results of the analysis showed that if the referendum had taken place again now, British citizens would have voted to remain the country's membership of the European Union. The results of 204 of the 226 surveys conducted from July 2017 to the present were proof that a majority of Britons would like to remain in the EU. In 2019, 74 out of 75 polls indicated a higher number of supporters of EU membership. The share of such respondents increased to 54% in 2019 from 51% in 2017. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson aims to leave the European Union by the 31st of this month with or without a deal, despite Parliament passed a law requiring the prime minister to apply to Brussels in the absence of a deal request to extend the release date until January 31 next year. The lack of a compromise on the Irish border, Johnson said, makes it impossible to reach a deal.