Shoulders up to 1: 3000 – even more opportunities with Amarkets
Dear customers! It is time to earn a lot. Down with doubt! The iconic date of September 6 is an increase in credit shoulders on ECN accounts, as well as metals on Standard and Fixed accounts! On this day, the shoulders on metals are equal to the shoulders of FX, and the shoulders on the ECN accounts will become the same as on Standard and Fixed.
Updated and reinforced shoulders on Standard, Fixed and ECN accounts for foreign exchange vapors and metals from September 6 will look as follows:
Equitia credit shoulder from $ 0 to $ 1000 1: 3000 from $ 1000 to $ 5000 1: 2000 from $ 5000 from $ 5000 Up to $ 10,000 1: 1000 from $ 10,000 to $ 50,000 1: 500 above $ 50,000 1: 200
with current information on credit shoulders you can find on the official website. We are preparing to conquer new horizons of profit on improved conditions!