Internet resource is for informational purposes only and is not an offer to sell or purchase any securities, futures contracts or any other investments to which the website may refer to. The above offers may be made only in accordance with applicable law.
All materials prepared by the Administration of the Site and are solely the personal opinion of specialists. Despite the fact that have made significant efforts to these materials proved to be more useful and objective, the administration of the Site does not claim to their completeness and accuracy. Information about the objects of investment, broker ratings, and all other statistical and other information contained on the Website may not be used as admissible evidence when resolving disputes in court or out of court. The use of such information and materials by Users is strictly at your own discretion and at your own risk.
The website may contain links to other websites and resources. Website administration is not responsible for the content of these online resources or offer them through products or services, as well as for damages of any kind arising in connection with access, use, functioning or connection to other web resources made available on the Website.
The Internet resource contains a section “Forum” that allows users to leave comments and information. The Website administration will make every effort to ensure that the Forum cited a reliable, ethical and not violate the rights and lawful interests of other users and third parties information and publications, however, the Administration of the Site in any case does not bear any responsibility for User submissions, including their accuracy. Upon detection of unauthentic, unethical, or otherwise fail to comply with applicable law, User-generated posts they will be removed from the Forum. The Site administration reserves the right to block access to the Forum users who repeatedly violate the requirements to the posts on the Forum.
Administration Site warns users about the potential risks of losing money, which can be connected:
Shopping or other recommendations for buying or selling securities, futures, forward contracts and other trading instruments;
Using software designed for analysis and transactions through trading platforms;
With the use of educational material or other content that provides information about methods of analysis of price change and decision-making on transactions on trading instruments.
This statement is aimed at explaining the main types of risks that the User needs to consider in the study of any Site content and any software in order to making decisions on transactions on the securities market.
Potential risks:
The lack of sufficient experience in making trading decisions, which can lead to incorrect interpretation of the Advisory, trading and other recommendations to make transactions on the financial instruments market.
Insufficient study of the configuration and operation of the software, which may cause improper operation of software devices.
Insufficient study material for making trading decisions, which can lead to bad decisions in transactions on the financial instruments market. All of these potential risks can lead to loss of funds in transactions in the financial markets.
Limitation of liability
Neither the Site Administration nor one of its Directors, employees, representatives or agents will not be liable in respect of the accuracy on this website information losses or losses incurred by investing through the use of this information, and in case of impossibility of access to website, faults or interruptions in its work for any reason. Any risks stemming from the use of materials from this site, are the exclusive responsibility of its visitors.
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